Friday 26 August 2011

♥ in Saudi Arabia part 2

Assalammualaikum and Bonjour love,
    continuing ma' trip in Saudi.Madinah.after visiting all the places i stated before,we went no where.just around inside Madinah itself because we were leaving.ouh,i miss Madinah.breaking fast in Masjid Nabawi was a wonderful experience.everything went so smooth..
 After 3 days in Madinah,we went to took 5 hours for us to get there.As soon as we arrived there,we put down our bags and went to consists of Tawaf,Saei and Tahalul.nearly 2 hours to do that,well,depends on the circumstances.i didn't go out for walk there because it was not-so-cold,plus we were fasting.talking about fasting,well,we also took time to get ourselves with the atmosphere.but,after 3 days in Saudi,we were only starving for food instead of getting thirsty of water.=p
 We made many trips in Makkah but sometimes,i didn't follow them or i slept in the bus because i was tired.that's why i didn't have any finest idea where we went.but in Ladang Unta,i was awaken because i love unta.except for the smell but they are cute and FYI,they can cry..
The last night we were in Saudi,i didn't sleep.i went to Solat terawih and it felt so sad to leave Saudi Arabia.i was breaking my fast with all different races of human,we shared food and drinks,we talked,we laughed.and it felt so good and thankful to be born as a muslim.i found peaceful in myself as i was around them,there was no limit and i was told that we are same and i believe it until now.and i remember how i cried during Terawih and i just kept myself awake because i knew,it was going to be my last terawih in,i didn't give any turn to get myself back to hotel after maghrib because i wanna hear the reading of the leading imam in Masjidil Haram.he's Sheikh As-Sudais.ouh,his reading of Holy Al-quran was AMAZING.i cried when he was reading one of the surah,even though i didn't know what it means,but his voice is enough to tell everything.i really adore him and i wish i can be one of his makmum next day..amin..
  after the terawih,i went back to the hotel,it's not dangerous for a girl like me to walk alone in is peace,plus all the people are nice.then,i ate Nasi was delicious,yum yum.haha.
  around 11 am,we headed to airport.our flight was around 10 pm.the best thing about in clouds for a day is you can see the sun rise.well,i did.and it was awesome.but after seeing the sun,i fall asleep like all the way to Malaysia and the next thing i knew was,we already!
 so,that how my awesome trip went on..i miss everything,EVERYTHING in saudi.the hot breeze,the ice-cream,the cars' hon,the nasi arab,the fight of turkeys' women ,the name that that given to me by an Egypt woman(ana alia,because she said aundreana is like a non-muslim name,so she gave me that name) zam-zam and most of all,sheikh as-sudais.i officially labeled Saudi as my second home.home sweet home.i went home with brand new stuff while my sister brought her Makkah liaison with her.haha.

dear saudi,
  i'm staring to miss you since my last footstep left you.and i'm hoping to go back there.and btw,I LOVE YOU.
                                            yours sincerely,
                                               Ana  Alia..
Assalamualaikum and widaan ya ♥.ilal liqo.=)

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