Sunday 1 January 2012


Assalamualaikum and Bonjour love!
    My first post for 2012.2011 had gone and it left many memories and lessons for was my 2011?well,let say it was indescribable.i just can't explain how amazing,yet cumbersome it was the first year i lived without my brother,yet his lost made big changes to me during my life in was the year where i learned my lesson to be more emphatic on my education because i was oh-so-engross about had read how i lost my grip and how hard for me to get it a nutshell,there were always a vice-versa in every bad circumstances because i believe on this words,'Allah won't test a person beyond his or her capabilities'.
    Well,for the bright side,i had gained many experiences from my trip to some foreign countries.i met new people,made new friends and took a squint on how they live.i stop yammering about my life because i already saw how the unfortunate people live on their turmoil life.2011 had gave me an ample time to be more worth-a-king's-ransom human being.yes,it did.i just realized the door to change your indistinct life is not that vague.and i already shoved away my primitive thinking that my life is going to be monotonous and no avail at all.
  Well,this year,with Allah's willing,i'm trying to be more avail and a better human being.and of course, rock out my days and frantically live my life.haha!=)

 btw,since this year i'm going to face the most treacherous examination,SPM,i won't update this blog regularly.i will be completely on hiatus and maybe will update this if i have any ample,see ya'!
Assalamualaikum and Au Revoir,love..

Tuesday 13 December 2011

some people aren't lucky

Assalamuaikum and Bonjour love,
   this is a quick update.few weeks ago,Toh puan came and visited Keningau.we went in and out of the skirt of keningau district.let's start with the 'in' first..
God knows what's hidding beneath their smiles.hoping those kids will get well soon.=')

Tuesday 22 November 2011

i miss you

remember,the night when both of us were standing in front of kaabah.i secretly looked at you.then,the love grows more and never stop,love.

Sunday 20 November 2011

why so serious?

Assalamualaikum and bonjour love,
             so yeah,happy midnight.zoo-wee-mama.i bet some of you know that.Wimpy kid the movie.i watched it with my cats,mumuk and puppy.
          well,that's not the main reason i'm here,blogging, late night.i was wandering on my facebook.then i saw a picture of this super genius girl.let's name her Y.she's a friend of my sister,ain,who's studying in sister once told me a story about Y.i dunno,i just think Y is oh-so-indescriblable.Y used to study on oversea(i forgot where on earth the country was).high school i mean.well,us,ordinary people,get our education in malaysia.while Y was on the OTHER country.then she continued her study in Russia,with my sister.she always get high marks on every paper,every exam she faces.well,my reaction "like seriously?another albert einstein?".she studies all the time,everday,every's kinda a jaw-opening action for me.then,she has a boyfriend,who is also studying in Russia.but Y always pay MORE attention to her study than the poor BF.and he feels neglected.
           but,i dunno,i just feel i like the way she lives her life.well,don't get me wrong,fellas.i love the part of the story where Y always studies all day i wish I WAS!.and it's kinda awesome.(i secretly wanna be like that,but it's hard,y'know).okey,i just don't have any slightest idea how to express the awesomeness of her.i really adore her so much..
       okey,my mind goes numb.well,of course it's midnight Ayu.your brain wanna get some extra rest..i'm just wondering,is it wrong to be like that?i'll leave some question,i know..
okey,enough.i need my beauty sleep
Assalamualaikum and Au Revoir,love..

Friday 18 November 2011

Hit the lights

will update soon.about :
  •      trip to Tenom with ma' girlfriends.
  •      room makeover
and thanks a lot to my lappy cap ayam.i miss my photoshop so much.=.=